Guest Columnist
Craig Dickman
Craig Dickman is an entrepreneur, inventor, and venture capitalist.
He is the managing director of TitletownTech, a venture partnership formed by the Green Bay Packers and Microsoft.
Dickman is also chairman and principal owner of the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, the High-A affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers and the Fond du Lac Dock Spiders, a summer collegiate team in the Northwoods League.
Dickman founded Breakthrough Fuel, an industry-leading supply chain company, which he led for fifteen years prior to a successful exit in 2019.
He previously served as president and CEO of Paper Transport, a Top 100 transportation company, led technology for Schneider National and served as a contracted team member for two NASA Discovery Missions.
Dickman currently serves on the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Council of Trustees and the board of directors for the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League.