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Mid-State hosts annual FFA Career Development Events competition

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April 1, 2024

WISCONSIN RAPIDS – Mid-State Technical College once again welcomed middle and high school students active in FFA to compete in the annual agricultural technology FFA Career Development Events (CDE) competition.

Alex Lendved, dean of Marshfield Campus and School of Applied Technology, said more than 750 students from across Wisconsin and Minnesota attended the competition, making it Mid-State’s largest FFA CDE event to date.

The competition covered a range of contests, including forestry, floriculture, dairy cattle and livestock judging, vet science and more. 

“Each year, FFA CDE falls on National Ag Day, which makes it the perfect opportunity to bring FFA members together to compete in events and celebrate ag,” Lendved said. “Due to the popularity of the event, we moved this year’s competition to the Wisconsin Rapids Campus to better serve the high volume of participants. We look forward to continuing to expand our contests to serve FFA.” 

Lendved said the FFA CDE competition provided middle and high school students an opportunity for career exploration.

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