January 26, 2023
Caregiver leadership training program to begin at UWGB
GREEN BAY – The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (UWGB) has been awarded an $865,010 grant from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to develop a leadership training program designed to give caregiver managers the skills they need to increase retention of employees.
According to UWGB, the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Provider Management Training Series will be available by summer 2023, providing both credit and noncredit learning opportunities.
UWGB officials said it will be designed to align with professionals who have little or no post-secondary education and focus on core management topics, including conflict resolution, interpersonal communication, critical thinking and operational management skills.
It is estimated 250 people will participate in the training.
The grant is part of a total of $17.3 million awarded through the American Rescue Plan Act to 69 organizations statewide to address the caregiver crisis.
To learn more, email Kerry Winkler at winklerk@uwgb.edu.
Fond du Lac County announces Narcan Leave-Behind Program
FOND DU LAC – The Fond du Lac County Health Department and Fond du Lac Fire Rescue have announced the start of their “Narcan Leave-Behind Program.”
The health department said the goal of the program is to enhance access to Narcan in the community to reverse opioid overdoses, especially among populations most at risk for an overdose or who are in positions to witness an overdose.
The county notes it is experiencing a drug overdose problem in the community where opioids are the predominant class of drugs involved with overdose deaths.
According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Opioid deaths by county dashboard, Opioid-related overdose deaths have steadily increased in Fond du Lac County, from 12 in 2014 to 25 in 2020.
Under the new program, Fond du Lac Fire Rescue paramedics will distribute Narcan kits for layperson use after incidents of suspected opioid overdoses.
The Fond du Lac County Health Department will also continue to offer Narcan training throughout the community and on an individual basis.
Call (920) 929-3085 for training information.
Other healthcare news:
The 4th Annual Wello “Well-Being Summit” is set for 8:30-10:30 a.m. (including networking and a presentation) Thursday, Feb. 16, at the Green Bay Botanical Garden’s Cornerstone Foundation Hall, 2600 Larsen Road, Green Bay.
This is Wello’s first in-person summit since its inaugural summit in February 2020.
Wello invites the community to learn more about its work in the community and how individuals can contribute to building “a proactive culture of health and well-being for all.”
Those interested can register for the free event through Wello’s website.
Bellin Health Titletown Sports Medicine & Orthopedics announced it has entered a three-year partnership with Velocity Performance Training to provide athletic training resources to Velocity’s baseball- and softball-centered athletes.
Velocity Performance Training specializes in preparing athletes for college careers and is located at 2284 Sachs Court in Howard.
Froedtert Holy Family Memorial Hospital, located at 2300 Western Ave. in Manitowoc, will host a blood drive from 1-6 p.m. Wednesday, March 29.
Blood donors must be 16 years or older to donate.
Appointments are encouraged by calling (920) 320-2243, but walk-ins are also welcome.