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SSM Health St. Agnes Hospital recognized for maximizing gift of life

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June 3, 2024

FOND DU LAC – SSM Health St. Agnes Hospital was one of 21 hospitals recognized by UW Organ and Tissue Donation this year for its ongoing commitment to saving and improving lives through organ and tissue donation.

UW Organ and Tissue Donation is a federally-designated organ procurement organization serving more than 100 hospitals in Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois. 

Each year, the organization presents five different awards to hospitals and staff for excellence in maximizing the gift of life.

SSM Health St. Agnes Hospital was given an Excellence in Tissue Donation Award, as well as a bronze Award of Hope, which Kristy Krause, MSN, RN and nursing director and hospital liaison for UW-OTD, said shows the hard work, dedication and collaboration that exists at St. Agnes.

“We were honored to accept the awards on behalf of everyone at SSM Health St. Agnes Hospital who has an impact on organ donation,” she said.

The Award of Hope measures the referral rate, the true conversion rate and organs transplanted per donor of the potential recipients.

The Excellence in Tissue Donation Award is given to partner hospitals that achieve at least a 63% consent rate. 

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