April 18, 2024
SHEBOYGAN – The origins of a business oftentimes stem from the problem-solving efforts of its owners.
That statement rings true for Chris and Lynn Schram, owners of Turtle Creek Homes in Sheboygan.
When the Schrams began building their home in 2005, Chris said they had no idea it would eventually serve as inspiration for a business.
“We both had good jobs, but we were na√Øve to the process,” he said.
Chris, who spent most of his career to that point in supply chain management, said setting a budget for building a home is one of the greatest challenges.
“At the time, we decided we were going to the top of our budget like so many people do,” he said. “We were (planning for) a $300,000 home.”
The homebuilding process, Chris said, included walkthroughs with the builder, who offered up ideas for potential upgrades.
“We started agreeing (to all of the upgrades),” he said. “Not (fully) realizing all the added costs.”
Once the house was completed, Chris said, the cost totaled $400,000.
“At that point, we could not afford our own home,” he said. “We had to turn around and sell it.”
It was during that time, Chris said, that he had a light-bulb moment.
“It was then we decided to build our own house,” he said.
A new way of doing things
The hurdles the Schrams encountered during their home-building process eventually sparked the creation of Turtle Creek Homes, which Chris said provides its customers with a whole new meaning of home sweet home.
The Schrams started building homes for others, including family and friends, in 2006.
Pictured from left Chris, Olivea and Lynn Schram of Turtle Creek Homes. Submitted Photo
Eventually, Chris said, it became friends of friends, and all of a sudden, this part-time hobby started to evolve into the Turtle Creek Homes of today.
The Turtle Creek Homes process, he said, is unique because it provides homebuilders with greater control over pricing and the entire process – from beginning to end.
One of the significant elements that makes Turtle Creek unique, Chris said, is there are no change order fees and clients have full control over how the subcontractor process works.
“Customers can choose their sub-contractors or use our subs or perhaps a combination,” he said. “And, unlike many other builders, clients can do work on their project at no extra charge.”
Having the experience of sitting on both sides of the table – as the builder and as the client – Chris said gives them great perspective.
“We have lived the homebuyer’s concerns and built a modern unique program that makes for a better building experience,” he said.
The company’s motto: “Let’s take the best of those worlds and create Turtle Creek Homes,” Chris said, says it all.
This, he said, means taking everything into account during the homebuilding process – including the more than 30% increase in building materials in the last three years.
“Our building solutions combat this increase by allowing homeowners to take on more of the project without taking on more of the risk,” he said. “Instead of being a traditional builder, we are helping people who want to build the house themselves.”
Chris said Turtle Creek Homes focuses its efforts on attracting skilled trades.
“One business focus is on folks who have skilled trades, like licensed plumbers, electricians and carpentry skilled laborers,” he said. “They fill in the building gaps. Many builders out there allow them to do their own work.”
The company, Chris said, also focuses on the second time homebuilders – individuals who have previously worked with a traditional builder.
“These homebuilders, (typically), come away not feeling (totally satisfied) as if they were missing something or something was being hidden (during their previous home building experience),” he said.
It’s understandable, Chris said, that customers want to have full control over both the process and their investment.
Extending its offerings even further, he said, Turtle Creek Homes also has a real estate agent on staff to assist customers in finding the appropriate land, as well as helping clients sell their current homes if applicable.
Chris said Turtle Creek staff also assist clients in researching financing options through lenders or assist in getting the best loan from the clients’ preferred lending institution.
All of these aspects, he said, are part of Turtle Creek Homes’ Trace Every Dollar Guarantee.
“Customers direct how and where the dollars are spent,” he said. “Also, they can be as involved or uninvolved in the building process as they so choose.”
With Turtle Creek’s program, Chris said clients are involved as much or as little as they want to be.
“And we fill in the gaps and customize each package,” he said. “We want to make sure the client knows there are no hidden fees. Our clients pay the subcontractors directly, thereby, tracing every dollar (they spend).”
Chris said this differs from a traditional build – which often includes a package that a customer agrees to.
“They pay for the package, yet they (may not) know who is working on their home,” he said.
Given Turtle Creek Homes’ business model, Chris said, finding tradesmen can sometimes be a challenge, especially with out-of-town work.
“When you’re three or four hours away, you have a little less control, (and we recognize that),” he said. “Tradespeople know tradespeople and they fill a lot of those gaps (in terms of) recommendations for (workers) who have already been vetted before I ever get there.”
Clients are provided with full transparency of costs through the Turtle Creek Homes’ Trace Every Dollar Guarantee. Submitted Photo
Chris said he plays a unique role in the business, wearing many hats.
“I am legally the general contractor on each project,” he said. “However, my real job is the expediter of safety. I’m making sure everything is staying on task and staying on time. I’m also making sure everything is safe, legal and up to code and passing the proper inspections. I see myself more as the expediter and the safety net. I am the point person for the client.”
Being the “Jack of all trades,” Chris said, however, can also be a hindrance to company growth as well.
“There’s only one of me, and I’m afraid to get into too much,” he said.
Chris said to diversify its offerings, Turtle Creek Homes has dipped its toes into the rental home market.
“We built an Airbnb for a client who had experience in the vacation rental segment,” he said. “They had other Airbnb properties. There was a different selection process while they were building the house (as an Airbnb) versus a primary home. We were fascinated by that process.”
Chris said he can see Turtle Creek Homes working with clients in that niche market again – marketing it as another offering the company can provide, which could include property management.
“(We can tell clients), ‘Hey, we can build to an Airbnb specification for basically a percentage of the profit, and we would be in a position to (manage it, as well),'” he said. “Many people don’t want to deal with the management piece. Building for vacation homes is a segment in its infancy stage.”
There is meaning in a name
The name, Turtle Creek Homes, Chris said, derives from their shared love of turtles.
The couple has traveled to Mexico, the Grand Cayman Islands and other destinations across the globe to see, hold, swim and snorkel with turtles, and have many turtle-themed items in their home.
“My wife is obsessed with turtles,” he said.
Serving as the inspiration for the “Creek” portion of the name, Chris said, is the creek the Schrams live along.
To learn more about Turtle Creek Homes, visit turtlecreekhomes.org.