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2021 Well-Being Survey report of Brown County recently released

Wello’s survey is conducted in Brown County every two years

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October 20, 2022

BROWN COUNTY – Wello recently published the 2021 Community Health and Well-Being Report, the second of its kind.

A summary of Wello’s 2021 Community Health and Well-Being Survey conducted July-August 2021, collected data in four areas: physical health, psychological (mental) health, social relationships and environments, and included new questions on feelings of belonging, inclusion, and power.

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s Consortium of Applied Research and St. Norbert College’s Strategic Research served as research partners.

“As we continue to work towards co-creating a proactive culture of health, it is important that we have opportunities to understand, directly from the community, how they would describe their health and well-being,” Natalie Bomstad, executive director of Wello, said. “This survey is a chance for local residents to express how they feel and experience health and well-being. We are encouraged that the 2021 survey is demographically more representative of the rich diversity in our community and are committed to efforts to ensure this trend continues. This data is an opportunity to understand, at a local level, where there are the greatest opportunities to equitably improve health and well-being for all the people who call this place home.”

The summary report and a measurement dashboard can be found at

The survey will be conducted again in the summer of 2023.

Contact Mario Gonzalez at with any questions.

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