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Prophit Co. unveils new identity

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March 6, 2024

GREEN BAY — Just as Prophit Co. launches into its 22nd year in business, the company celebrates a technology launch and new company name to match.

Now known as Dignify, the former marketing firm shifted its focus to leadership development in 2020.

“We’re aligning our new name with our mission of spreading dignity-based communication to the world,” Joe Kiedinger, CEO of Dignify, said.

Kiedinger said the company is doing that through its namesake patented technology, DignifyÆ, and its team of coaches and trainers.

The platform, he said, has gone through a significant update with enhanced features, with more due to roll out in second and third quarter — like an online learning academy, customizable surveys and a companion app for enterprise accounts allowing leaders to provide quick recognition that dignifies and motivates their direct reports.

Kiedinger said Dignify is also translated into Spanish and French to serve a greater range of national and international clients.

The company’s core services will remain local, with the Green Bay team providing leadership training, executive coaching, team building events and strategic planning, now with enhanced technology capabilities.

“Leadership is changing quickly as the workforce shifts generationally,” Kiedinger said. “We make it easier for companies to adapt to that change with solutions for culture, conflict resolution, training, engagement and more — all to create sustainable, profitable growth.”

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