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Northwestern Bank supporting Our Nawakwa

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June 24, 2024

WEST CENTRAL WISCONSIN – Early last month, Northwestern Bank’s Jerry Jacobson, president/CEO and the board of directors announced the bank’s donation of $50,000 to Our Nawakwa. 

This gift will help the nonprofit get closer to reaching its fundraising goals. 

The group currently has a matching gift opportunity for those looking to give and have their gifts matched.

“The camp offers a great opportunity for kids to get outside and connect with other youth,” Jacobson said, “By spending time outside, kids can learn various new skills, interact with each other off of their screens and create lifelong memories. We are proud to be a part of that.”

Camp Nawakwa has the vision to strengthen the community by helping youth develop leadership skills, providing environmental education and promoting health and wellness. 

The camp is located on 75 acres of land that includes a lake, wilderness, a dining hall, sleeping units and a lodge with a rich history from the original Boy Scout camp. 

Since 1951, the land has been utilized by the Girl Scouts. 

Former staff, campers and community members decided to start a nonprofit to buy the camp after it was put up for sale. 

Now Camp Nawakwa offers day and overnight camp opportunities for all youth groups, clubs and teams with the same mission of keeping kids connected to nature. 

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