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External versus internal IT services

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September 23, 2022

When I started out in IT, outsourcing the task really wasn’t an option.

Either you had internal IT, or you had poorly thought out, randomly implemented and unmanaged technology assets.
It was one or the other, but it was the ’90s and technology had not yet taken over, like it has today.

As the years passed, technology began taking over in business and is now seen as a necessity.

Whether that means a couple PCs, an internal server environment or cloud-based infrastructure, virtually all businesses need technology now-a-days.

For those who aren’t fluent in technology knowledge, typically have two options – outsource (external IT) or direct hire (internal IT).

Internal IT
In my humble opinion, internal IT can be the best option in either or both of two scenarios.

The first is that you are a large enough organization to need it and can justify the cost of it.

In this case, it’s a simple numbers game – X employees plus Y assets, equals Z technical person hours.

Factor in the hourly cost to outsource the management and planning of, administration of and support of Z, and you’ll probably see which is right for you financially.

Scenario two is for when you need IT to always be available.

If you are the type or person or organization who frequently has problems or questions and you need help now, internal IT is your answer.

There really is no firm you can outsource to that will prioritize your problems to the same level you will.

Of note as well, it’s unlikely to get IT management, administration and help desk from one person, as these three roles are quite different and will more times than not require more than one hire.
External IT
When looking to outsource IT work, management, administration and help desk services also need to be considered.

Typically, management starts with planning – which may look different depending on the size and scope of your business – but includes creation and implementation, followed by routine check-ins to ensure adherence.

For smaller companies, planning can be an easy step, while larger corporations may find it a bit more complicated.

Up-front costs for plan creation and monthly costs for review and adjustment can vary, depending on need.

The administration of a server, network and/or cloud resources is not a full time gig, and if done correctly, can be easily outsourced.

Support, on the other hand, is the meat of the need and typically takes up the majority of IT time.

Even if all of your IT is setup correctly, you still have employees, and employees are where the risk and time resides.

Of course, there is also the option to mix and match to fit your company’s needs, which is quite common.

Scott Tornio is the president of HawkPoint Technologies.

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