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FTI receives multiple safety excellence awards

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May 1, 2024

MENASHA – Faith Technologies Incorporated (FTI) was recently recognized with three national and regional safety awards, including:

First place in the Specialty Contractors Division (more than two million hours worked category): FTI received the award from the Associated General Contractors of America at the 2024 Construction Safety Excellence Awards (CESA).
National Safety Merit Award: The award was presented to FTI from Associated Builders and Contractors at the 34th Excellence in Construction® Awards during the ABC Convention 2024.
Second place in the Subcontractor Division (more than one million hours worked category): FTI was selected by The Builders, A Chapter of the AGC at the Midwest Construction Safety Conference.
Vice President of Safety Rocky Rowlett said FTI team members prioritize safety every day.

“Their unwavering commitment to our safety practices ensures the well-being of both themselves and others, carrying out our mission of an uncompromised focus on keeping people safe,” Rowlett said.
FTI is also ranked in the top 15 of ABC’s Top 250 Performers, a ranking demonstrating the positive impact of strong safety programs.

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